Call (813) 246-4899, and one of our ACTS staff members will help you determine the appropriate level of care.
You or your family member will be cared for by our professionally qualified staff. You will be assigned a case manager who will help you navigate your care, including creating a treatment or service plan, a discharge plan, and ongoing recovery planning.
Yes, but only if you sign a consent for the release of information. This consent designates who may be contacted during your treatment.
- Sleep clothes
- A sweater
- Undergarments
- Change of clothes
- Electronic devices (cellphones, e-readers, iPads, etc.)
- Products containing alcohol-based ingredients
- Highly caffeinated products
- Valuables
- Tobacco products
- Photo ID
- Social Security Number and Card
- Insurance card (if applicable)
- List of medications (name, purpose, dosage, how often, prescriber)
- Birth Certificate (if under age 18)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Primary Care Physician information
If you do not have insurance, please bring proof of income in one of the following forms:
- Most recent paycheck
- Proof of family income
- Social security/worker’s compensation letter
- Other proof of third-party payer
If you need help acquiring any of the required documents, please contact the issuing facility for a replacement:
- Social Security Card: Social Security Card Replacement
- ID: Florida ID Replacement
Call (813) 246-4899, and ACTS staff will ensure you have the services you need.
An assessment is the first step toward improving your overall well-being. It is an interview to determine the most appropriate type of behavioral health services. The assessor will ask about current concerns, medical and mental health history, and, if applicable, any drug and/or alcohol use. The assessment helps determine which programs or services would be most beneficial.
ACTS staff includes a Medical Director, therapists/counselors, case managers, nurses, and behavioral health technicians. These team members work together to ensure each individual receives high-quality care throughout their time in our programs.
Anyone can call us for an assessment. You do not need a formal outside referral to receive an assessment from our clinicians.
ACTS programs utilize Evidence-Based Practices tailored to the needs of those served. Our multidisciplinary team approach ensures individualized quality care in a therapeutic environment. We understand that behavioral health treatment is not a “one size fits all” approach, and we work with patients and their families to achieve the best outcomes.
Our staff is experienced in working with diverse groups and provides age-appropriate treatment related to individual therapy, group therapy, recreational therapy, and medication management. Programming is delivered separately for adults and adolescents.
Start by calling the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative at (813) 223-6115 to be entered into the community’s Homeless Management Information System and begin the process of determining the housing that best meets your needs.
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) protects the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information. It includes rules on privacy, security, breach notification, and patient safety confidentiality. For more information, visit HHS.gov
Call us at (813) 246-4899 to check the insurance providers we accept.
ACTS applies a uniform fee schedule, including a sliding scale based on Federal poverty guidelines. Services are not refused to anyone based on the inability to pay.
Family FAQs
Upon discharge, every patient is scheduled to meet with a provider in the community for a follow-up appointment. The provider will receive a discharge summary outlining a treatment plan and any new medications.
This can be challenging. We recommend being as supportive as possible during this time. Offer to bring them in for an assessment or help them make the call. If you believe your loved one is in a life-threatening situation, call 911 immediately.