Justice Services

Justice Services at ACTS

ACTS provides a range of justice services designed to support individuals involved in the criminal justice system, with a focus on diversion, rehabilitation, and the prevention of recidivism. Our programs offer comprehensive assessments, case management, and treatment services tailored to meet the unique needs of each participant.

Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)

The Juvenile Assessment Centers (JAC) in Hillsborough and Polk Counties serve as central hubs for receiving, processing, assessing, and intervening with young offenders. These centers operate through a multi-agency collaboration, bringing together community services to provide comprehensive care in a single location.


Key Services

Case Management
For minor offenders eligible for diversion from the Juvenile Court System, ACTS provides case management services, including intake, assessment, and direct referrals, guiding them through the diversion program until completion.

Prevention Services
All youth presented for JAC services receive substance abuse prevention education, including viewing a targeted prevention video followed by a discussion with trained staff.


Tampa / Hillsborough County
8605 N. Branch Ave.
Tampa, FL 33604
(813) 936-9099

Bartow / Polk County
1090 Highway 17S
Bartow, FL 33830
(863) 519-3655

Diversion Programs

ACTS offers several diversion programs aimed at redirecting individuals with mental health and co-occurring disorders away from incarceration and towards treatment and recovery.


Mental Health Court Pretrial Intervention/Enhanced Offender Diversion (MHPTI-EOD)

This program serves 40 individuals annually who have committed a felony and have a serious mental health diagnosis. The program targets individuals with high mental health needs, with or without co-occurring substance use disorders, as classified under Minkoff’s Model (Quadrants II or IV). Referrals come directly from the State Attorney’s Office. Participants voluntarily enroll and sign a contract to receive intensive, team-based services designed to address both their mental health and substance use issues. Successful completion of the treatment plan results in the closure of their charges as time served.


Services Include


Bio-psychosocial Assessment


Level of Service/
Case Management
Risk Inventory


Intensive Case Management

including Linkage
and Reporting


Residential Treatment

(if indicated)


Peer Support


Outpatient Counseling


Aftercare Services


Referrals to Specialized Services

For more information about the EOD program, call (813) 936-8100.

Mental Health Jail Diversion Program (MHJDP)

The MHJDP provides community-based behavioral health case management services for individuals with mental health disorders, with or without co-occurring substance use disorders, who are at risk of booking or incarceration. Referrals come from law enforcement or community receiving facilities (Baker Act and Marchman Act). The program targets individuals arrested or at risk of arrest for victimless misdemeanor crimes or city/county ordinance violations, aiming to divert them from the criminal justice system and into appropriate behavioral health care.

For more information about MHJDP, call (813) 879-0494.

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